Phases of Emergency Management

Office of Emergency Management

The Town of Morristown Office of Emergency Management proactively plans for hazards, works to reduce threats and prepares Morristown citizens to respond to and recover from a disaster. We are committed to ensuring that our community is prepared.

Mission Statement
The Office of Emergency Management is responsible for providing mitigation, preparedness, response, recovery, and coordination for large-scale emergencies and disasters, both natural and human-caused, to the citizens of Morristown for the purpose of saving lives and preventing property damage.

  • Mitigate and plan for large-scale all-hazards emergencies and disasters
  • Develop and maintain town-wide emergency operations plans
  • Serve as liaison to local, county, state, military and federal agencies and departments
  • Provide preparedness education and Citizen Emergency Response Training to citizens and government employees
  • Coordinate multi-jurisdictional exercises
  • Respond to multi-family structure emergencies
  • Manage resources needed to assist responders and the affected population
  • Assist partner response agencies and the affected population
  • Provide assistance and preparedness to the Town of Morristown through the administration of federal and state grant funding
Phases of Emergency Management

OEM is in charge of writing and updating the Pre-Disaster Mitigation Plan for the Town, as well as outlining the functions and responsibilities of all Town departments and agencies during emergencies or disasters. We maintain close working relationships with all levels of government.

Because it is impossible to predict when a specific disaster will occur, our office participates in and helps plan numerous preparedness exercises throughout the year. The exercises are disaster simulations that may involve all levels of government, and can range from an organized discussion about a potential threat, to full-scale training that involves actual response units, real-time events and actors who play the role of victims. This training gives management and responders a chance to address and resolve challenges before a real disaster occurs.

See Safety & Preparedness.

During a large disaster, the Office of Emergency Management provides overall coordination for town-wide response efforts. This can involve the activation of the Emergency Operations Center, which becomes a single gathering point for representatives from Town departments and partner agencies. These representatives facilitate resource coordination, mutual aid and policy decisions.

The Office of Emergency Management assists in the coordination of both short-term and long-term recovery functions. Short-term recovery efforts begin immediately following an emergency or disaster, as the Town works to restore basic services and functions to the affected community. Long-term recovery involves restoring economic activity, and rebuilding communities and citizens' quality of life.
We help citizens to prepare for disasters through Community Emergency Response Training(CERT). OEM staff also conducts preparedness presentations for businesses, civic organizations, community meetings and events.