Mission Statement

Police Non-Emergency Line: 973-538-2200


It is the mission of the Morristown Bureau of Police to serve our citizens by enforcing the laws of the State of New Jersey and the ordinances of the Town of Morristown, preserving the public peace, protecting life and property, promoting traffic safety, and engaging in activities that benefit all in our community, from our youth to our senior citizens through programs of education and crime prevention, and to accomplish these goals by adhering to a core set of values that include integrity, honesty, fairness, respect, and compassion.

Integrity: Is the hallmark of the Morristown Bureau of Police and we are committed to the highest performance and moral standards, ethical conduct, and trustworthiness in all relationships. We hold ourselves accountable for our actions both on and off duty and take pride in a professional level of service and fairness to all.

Honesty: Bureau members are committed to this character quality that includes truthfulness in our relationships with others, investigations and report writing, and testifying in court.

Fairness: We treat all people impartially, justly and unbiased, with consideration, empathy and compassion. We are equally responsive to our employees and the community we serve.

Respect: We treat all persons impartially in a dignified and courteous manner, and exhibit understanding of ethnic and cultural diversity, both in our professional and personal endeavors. We guarantee to uphold the principles and values embodied in the Constitution of the United States and the State of New Jersey.

Compassion: We understand that we come to the aid of many people that are physically injured, emotionally scarred, or are victims of crime and these people need to be treated with sympathy, kindness, and concern for their well-being.