Engineering Division

The Engineering Division is responsible for design, preparation of plans and specifications, bidding and construction administration of a wide variety of construction projects. These projects include roadway milling and resurfacing, roadway reconstruction, traffic signals, curbs, sidewalks, traffic calming, street lights, sanitary sewers, storm drains, pavement crack sealing, tree plantings, playgrounds, buildings, ball fields, elevators, swimming pools and dams.
The Engineering Division administers Soil Disturbance Permits. Prior to disturbing a site, land or land area exceeding 500 square feet or 10 cubic yards of rock or soil a permit must be obtained from the Town Engineer. Projects having approved site plans from the Planning Board or Board of Adjustment are exempt from this requirement.
The Engineering Division provides technical support to all other Divisions of the Department of Public Works as well as other Departments. Support is wide ranging and includes preparation of bid packages for equipment purchases, field investigation of infrastructure issues and traffic counts.

FEMA Flood Maps

Please be advised that the Town of Morristown has received notice from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) that proposed revisions to the Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs) for our municipality have been made public.  These maps, issued under FEMA’s National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), determine areas and limits for flooding and are the basis by which flood insurance requirements for properties are determined.   They also determine the floodplain management measures that are required of the municipality. Read the full message from the Morristown Town Engineer and supporting documents regarding appeals for new FEMA Flood Maps.

Map & Plan Library

The Engineering Division maintains an extensive file of maps and drawings.