Brush, Branch & Leaf Collection
Collected every other month, 6 times a year curbside is one of the special collections provided by DPW. Brush is to be placed at the curb free of trash and other debris, tied in bundles no more than four (4) foot lengths, weight not to exceed fifty (50) pounds. Branches exceeding four (4) inches in diameter must be placed in a separate pile at the curb. Any branch exceeding four (4) inches in diameter will not be accepted. The Town shall not collect tree and shrubbery trimmings cut by landscape or tree service contractors or other commercial workmen, or which result from land being cleared or tree’s taken down.
Public Works collects leaves curbside twice annually. The Department of Public Works provides leaf collection services for the residents of Morristown two times a year -- in the spring season during the month of April and in the fall season, from October through December, leaves are raked curbside by residents. Scheduled by ward, DPW collects the leaves with leaf vacuums attached to dump trucks. Leaves must be raked to the curb free of rocks, brush, twigs, trash, grass and other debris.
Items must be placed in reusable metal or plastic containers. NO PLASTIC BAGS OR PAPER BAGS.
Must be placed in reusable metal/plastic containers, secure paper bags, cardboard boxes OR tied in bundles. NO PLASTIC BAGS OR STYROFOAM.
Check your schedule for more specific dates.