Community Dispute Resolution Committee
The Community Dispute Resolution Committee (CDRC) provides a means by which minor disputes at the municipal level can be resolved without having to go to Court. Disputing parties appear before a team of trained mediators who work with the parties to develop a solution to the problem.
Cases are referred to the CDRC by the Municipal Court Judge or Court Administrator. Parties are notified by mail to appear before the Committee.
Contact person regarding CDRC case scheduling is Maria Sinchi, Violation Clerk (973)292-6743 of the Municipal Court of The Town of Morristown
Types of Cases that could be referred to CDRC
- Neighborhood Disputes
- Simple Trespass
- Business/Consumer Complaints
- Bad Checks
- Simple Harassment
- Landlord/Tenant Disputes
- Dog Complaints
- Destruction and Simple Theft
- Noise Complaints
Community volunteers who are trained in mediation techniques and approved by the Assignment Judge of the Superior Court perform mediation. Mediators do not take sides or make judgments about "right" and "wrong." Rather, they help disputing parties discuss their needs and differences, and find areas of agreement.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED FOR CDRC-Click here for more information