Board of Adjustment 2025 Meeting Schedule
2025 Meeting Dates
January 8– Reorganization
January 15 & 22
February 5 & 19
March 5 & 19
April 2 & 16
May 7 & 21
June 4 & 18
July 2 & 16
August 6 & 20
September 3 & 17
October 1 & 15
November 5
December 3 & 17
All regular meetings are scheduled on the first and third Wednesdays and will begin at 7:30 PM or as listed. The meetings will be conducted by electronic means in accordance with the “Senator Byron M. Baer Open Public Meetings Act” of 2020 which explicitly permits a public body to conduct a meeting electronically during a state of emergency. Governor Murphy issued Executive Orders 103,107,119,138, & 151,declaring a “Public Health Emergency and State of Emergency”, which remains partially in effect. If both the “Public Health Emergency and State of Emergency” are lifted, meetings shall resume in person at Morristown Town Hall in the Court/Council Room located on the first floor at 200 South Street, Morristown NJ 07960
Application and other relevant documents will be accessible in the Morristown Zoning Board Office, located at Morristown Town Hall, 200 South Street, Morristown, NJ 07960
Please contact the zoning office at 973-292-6722 or email at with any additional questions
There will be no in person meeting. If you wish to observe or participate in the meeting you must do so as set forth below.
“Zoom Meeting” link at
- 646 558 8656; or
- 301 715 8592; or
- 669 900 9128; or
- 253 215 8782; or
- 346 248 7799
Zoom attendees wishing to contribute during the Public Comment/Question portion of each agenda item must click the “raise hand” button in order to indicate to the Board Chair or Secretary the attendee’s desire to speak. Phone attendees will be permitted to contribute by having their connection unmuted after announcement of their phone number. Phone attendees must hit *9 to utilize the “raise hand” function and *6 to unmute.
Upon having a “raised hand” acknowledged (in the case of Zoom attendees) or having a connection unmuted (in the case of phone attendees), attendees will be allowed to give comments on general matters. PLEASE NOTE THAT TO MAKE COMMENTS OR GIVE TESTIMONY DURING A HEARING ON AN APPLICATION, YOU MUST APPEAR BY VIDEO IN ADDITION TO AUDIO AND BE SWORN IN
The Board retains discretion to curtail each commenter’s opportunity to speak and will mute the speaking attendee’s connection at the end of their time. You cannot participate in public comment unless you are attending the virtual meeting.
All microphones of public users will be muted, except as set forth above, during the public comment portion of each agenda item.
James A. Campbell
Administrative Officer
Board of Adjustment
December 18, 2024