
Bike Unit

The Morristown Police Department Bicycle Patrol Unit was started in 1996 with 4 Police Officers and the donation of 4 specially equipped Trek mountain bikes. Since that time, the Bicycle Unit has grown in both manpower and equipment and has become one of the most visible units of the department.

The unit currently has 15 Police Officers and supervisors who are qualified to patrol on the bikes and hopes to increase that number when possible. All qualified officers have successfully completed the demanding 40 hour Law Enforcement Police Cyclist Class to become trained in enforcing the laws from a bicycle.

The training includes daily rides of up to 30 miles, how to apprehend a fleeing suspect with a bike and specialized methods used for urban riding.

The bicycle officers are used as a unit for special events, holidays and anytime when a large crowd is anticipated.

The department has found that a Police Officer on a bicycle is more approachable to the public and therefore fosters the spirit of community involvement more than the traditional officer in a radio patrol car.

When staffing levels allow, each shift has one officer assigned to a mountain bike in order to better patrol the business district, the Green, areas around bars and restaurants, and busy housing developments.

The department currently maintains 10 fully equipped mountain bikes for the unit's use.