Traffic Safety Unit
The Traffic Safety Unit is primarily responsible for all issues regarding motor vehicle and pedestrian traffic in the Town Of Morristown. Within the patrol division, each shift has a designated traffic safety officer who has been through extensive training in accident investigation and responds to all motor vehicle accidents during that shift.
In addition, all TSU Officers are certified by the State of New Jersey as Emergency Medical Technicians and respond to all medical emergencies as a primary care giver. The Traffic Safety vehicle
contains numerous first aid supplies including oxygen, bandaging materials, cervical collars, equipment for monitoring vital signs, a semi automatic defibrillator and glucose therapy for diabetic patients.
TSU officers can be identified by the "winged wheel" symbol located upon their uniform. This patch signifies that they have completed all levels of required training and are qualified to be assigned to the Traffic Safety Unit.
The Traffic Safety Unit is also responsible for investigating any fatal or serious accidents and has several officers assigned to a task force who have been certified as investigators. By working closely with the Morris County Prosecutors Office, the TSU Fatal Accident Investigation Team strives to fully investigate all serious motor vehicle and pedestrian accidents that occur in Morristown.
In addition, all TSU Officers are certified by the State of New Jersey as Emergency Medical Technicians and respond to all medical emergencies as a primary care giver. The Traffic Safety vehicle
contains numerous first aid supplies including oxygen, bandaging materials, cervical collars, equipment for monitoring vital signs, a semi automatic defibrillator and glucose therapy for diabetic patients.
TSU officers can be identified by the "winged wheel" symbol located upon their uniform. This patch signifies that they have completed all levels of required training and are qualified to be assigned to the Traffic Safety Unit.
The Traffic Safety Unit is also responsible for investigating any fatal or serious accidents and has several officers assigned to a task force who have been certified as investigators. By working closely with the Morris County Prosecutors Office, the TSU Fatal Accident Investigation Team strives to fully investigate all serious motor vehicle and pedestrian accidents that occur in Morristown.
The Traffic Safety Unit also handles all requests for street closures or traffic diversions and all requests must be made through this office. All requests or questions should be submitted to Sgt. Anthony O'Brien at 973-292-6692 or via email at a-obrien@morristownpolice.org