Frequently Asked Questions


How do I open a new or existing business in the Town of Morristown?

Business owners should check with Zoning for zoning approval. Upon approval, contact the Division of Health at 973-796-1975 for plan review and pre-inspection process as well as safety and sanitation requirements. Refer to Licensing Bureau to see a list of the licenses issued by the Health Division (located on the main webpage of the Morristown Health Division). Please check with other departments such as the Building Department, Fire Prevention Bureau, and the Town Clerk for additional requirements.

How do I obtain a Cottage Food Operator Permit?

Individuals who may be eligible for a Cottage Food Operator license would have to obtain the permit from NJDOH (scroll down to application):

NOTE: Operating a home-based food business is prohibited as per the Zoning Ordinance. Please check with Zoning with how to go about filing a land use application before the Zoning Board. Zoning can be reached at 973-292-6723.

If I’m over 18, who can I call regarding health care, immunizations, etc.?

If you are over 18, you must seek health care from your private physician. If you are under 18, you can contact the Public Health Nurse at 973-292-6702 for more information.

If my water is discolored, whom do I call?

Call Southeast Morris County Municipal Utilities Authority (SMCMUA) at 973-326-6880 or

My neighbors make too much noise (music, parties, cars, etc.), what can I do?

Contact the Morristown Police Department at 973-538-2200.


 Are dogs and cats required to be licensed?

The Town of Morristown and State of New Jersey requires that all dogs and cats are to be licensed within the Town. This includes indoor and outdoor dogs and cats.

Licenses expire on June 30th every year. Licensing age for both dogs and cats are 7 months old and older.

To license your dog or cat, you can either

Mail - download the application below(pdf file) and fill out the application, provide proof of rabies inoculation, proof of spaying or neutering, and pay the appropriate fees by check or money order (no cash by mail). Mail with a self-addressed stamped envelope (your license and tag will be mailed to you).

In-person - at the Health Department, 2nd floor during business hours


  • $15.00 Fee for all spayed/neutered dogs.
  • $20.00 Fee for all non-spayed/neutered dogs.
  • Late Fee of $10 per month (from June 2011)
  • Late Fee of $5 per month from August 1st through December 1st.

To pay the lower licensing fees, proof of spay/neuter is required.

Click here to be directed to the current DOG/CAT LICENSE APPLICATION

 Do you have any free rabies clinics coming up?

Please visit our calendar for information on upcoming rabies clinics.