Resources for Renters and Residents

  • Property Maintenance Division, Town of Morristown The Division of Housing and Property Maintenance is responsible for enforcing the laws regarding the safety, health and appearance of Morristown’s residences and businesses.
  • Rent Leveling, Town of Morristown The Rent Leveling Department oversees Morristown's Rent Control program for rental units built before 1981. This is true for apartment buildings, multi-family homes AND for absentee owners of single family homes and condominium units.  Every owner of a unit subject to Rent Control must register with the Rent Leveling Department. 
  • Morris County Office of Community Development offers a Housing Rehabilitation Program which provides funds to income-eligible homeowners to address major system failures in their primary residence.  They offer a guide to the program.
  • New Jersey Lifeline is a utility assistance program that offers $225 to persons who meet the PAAD eligibility requirements or who receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI). This includes utility customers as well as tenants whose utility bills are included in their rent.
  • New Jersey SHARES Helps households throughout New Jersey who are not eligible for other forms of assistance to pay their energy, telephone and water bills in an emergency or crisis situation.
  • NJ 211You can dial 211 from any phone to reach New Jersey 's Community Resource Guide. NJ 211 can help you find solutions to personal needs by informing you of resources in your community like day care facilities, shelters, affordable housing units, social services, employment training programs, senior services, medical insurance, and more.